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Loading Profiles

If you store all of your profiles in the same folder with a simple barrel file.

└── src
   └── maps
      ├── foo.ts
      ├── bar.ts
      ├── index.ts
      └── primitives
        ├── string.ts
        ├── number.ts
        ├── boolean.ts
        └── index.ts

Kitbag Mapper provides an easy way to to automatically loading profiles in this directory.

import mapper, { loadProfiles } from '@kitbag/mapper'
import * as profilesToLoad from '@/maps'

const profiles = loadProfiles(profilesToLoad)


declare module '@kitbag/mapper' {
  interface Register {
    profiles: typeof profiles


With imports like this, it's reasonable to assume something that doesn't satisfy Profile might accidentally get included. If loadProfiles is provided with anything that doesn't satisfy Profile, it will throw ProfileTypeError.