is called with source and/or destination keys that are not registered by a profile, it will throw ProfileNotFoundError
- Make sure your profile exists and is property registered.
Anytime loadProfiles
is called with an import that includes anything that doesn't satisfy Profile
, it will throw ProfileTypeError
- Make sure your barrel file only includes files you expect
- Make sure your only exporting profiles from within map files
- Make sure each profile uses
as const satisfies Profile
When the mapper is executing map
function on a given profile, it wraps the call in a try catch. If that function throws an exception for any reason it is wrapped in a ProfileMappingError
. This provides additional context to the end application where an error is taking place and inside of which specific profile to investigate.
Missing types or source type never
If you hover
and see
(sourceKey: string, source: unknown, destinationKey: string) => unknown
This likely means you missed setting the Register
interface. See more about registering.
This could also be the result of your profiles not using as const satisfies Profile
export const numberToString = {
sourceKey: 'number',
destinationKey: 'string',
map: (source) => {
return source.toString()
} as const satisfies Profile